Don’t Gain the World to Lose Your Soul

I have been to the towers of borobadour…climbed Mt. Fuji… walked the beaches of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans…. I’ve expereinced big cities, boondocks and tiny villages… I’ve been in the White House and seen the wealth of nations and I’ve been to the poverty stricken streets of a third world country and seen the pain of nations… I’ve seen the jagged peaks if the Rockies and the rolling hills of the Smokies…. I’ve seen a rainbows full circle from the air and glowing minerals of beauty in the caverns of deep caves… I’ve seen flowers beyond description on the edges of the tropics and blue butterfly wings fill a tree.

I do not say all this to brag… but to share… in all this, I have experienced something far more precious, something far greater then anything this world could ever offer.

Nothing….  in this world is more beautiful then walking in the blessing of fulfilling the vows I made to my beloved husband. To be there in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer until death parted us.  Walking through the shadow lands holding his hand as he took Jesus hand and was victorious over cancer was painfully beautiful. Nothing will ever compare to that moment when he whispered how much he knew Jesus loved him or the moment he and I danced our last dance… and nothing I ever do in this life, will be as wonderful as the blessings I’ve received and the gifts I have been given in this shadowed valley of death.

I do not like to be here… called a widow, a single mom or half a person, it’s hard and painful, but I am blessed to know I do not walk it alone.

I’ve learned to lean, to be assertive, to know my Savior as my husband who cares for the widow and the fatherless. I have learned, and am still learning, not one thing I possess will ever compare to the relationships and the power of words. God’s love has been greater in my adversity and shown stronger in my weaknesses. 

There will always be a hole in my heart… but God promises to be near to my broken heart and to help me carry my burden.  My feet haven’t touched the ground in quite some time now.

8 thoughts on “Don’t Gain the World to Lose Your Soul

  1. I’m so glad you posted this on your blog. It was beautiful when I read it on your Facebook page, and I was hoping you would put it here! Thank you for sharing your gift of expression with all of us. Your heart points us back to the greatest Love of all, the ONE who holds your husband now, and the ONE who holds you too. You are in my prayers.

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  2. Oh Wendy, tears. Just tears. Yes and Amen. Nothing. Nothing is more beautiful than His Presence. Nothing more miraculous than His palpable peace down the most excruciating of paths. You are such an encouragement. Continuing to lift you up to the only One who can truly carry you and your precious girls. Sending you hugs today. And thank You, Jesus, for breathing Life into death, Hope into despair and peace into darkness. Thank YOU that You never ever leave Your children alone.

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      1. God always knows. Doesn’t He? Wish I lived around the corner and not on the other side of the world from you. One day we will meet: if not on earth, then in heaven.

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